Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Backyard Beauty

It's another week with no new updates from Harris House :-( *booooooooooo!*. We're currently in the middle of a backyard beautification project and it's been a very slow go. We've experienced a lot of starting and stopping, however, we're moving steadily along.
It can be a bit annoying not being able to do what you really want to do. If money were no object, I could have created a secluded escape within the matter of days. Add in the fact that up until this week we've experienced a terrible drought, and we're also battling a serious case of crab grass and ivy, and it's enough to make me want to throw in the towel. But rather than focus on our sad situation, I took to the net to find some truly remarkable backyard designs. So here goes:
I've always had a thing for mossy trees and lights!

You don't need to have tons of space for your little hideout, this is amazing

This is so Gorg! Eventually, I want to do something like this out back. We already have a similar wall :-)

What a grand space for entertaining!

Outdoor kitchen/dinning room

 Nice and cozy

This is really appealing to me for some reason

 Life like a fairytale

 Romantic indeed

Young urban vibes
 I'd love to sit here for awhile


Hopefully, by the time next summer rolls around, I will have a nice little chill spot all of my own. We shall see...until the next time guys, XO!


  1. Definitely can see myself chillin in each and every one of these settings 😉

  2. I am totally not an outdoor person, but these are some backyards I can work with. Lol! I love it! I cannot wait to see the final product.
